Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #12 [Friends]

It's not the number of friends you have that's important; it's the quality of your friendships. I have two very best friends, and the three of us call ourselves the Crazy Faith Friends. The "crazy" part goes with "faith," not with "friends," although sometimes it fits us. We desire that our faith be crazy, out there, where we believe God for the seemingly impossible. Sometimes, we're like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, going through a fiery furnace together. Our friendship is so strong.
There are other friendships where the contact is minimal, due to living far apart, mostly. However, when we can get together, we pick up right where we left off. I know, too, that if I needed one of my faraway friends, he/she would be here right away for me, and they know the same goes for me. It's very comforting.
For believers, Jesus can be our very best friend, who "sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24, NIV). I think of when Jesus was talking to His disciples about Himself as The Vine and they as the branches, what it must have been like for them to hear Him say, "I call you friends" (John 15:15, NCV). How strong is your friendship with Jesus? Is it minimal, because you've moved away from Him, or is it fiery-furnace strong?

Ecclesiastes 4:12 [Today's NIV]
"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken."

What this has to do with weight loss: I know a person can lose weight all on their own, but why would you want to. Find several weight-loss buddies with whom you can share your weight-loss joys and struggles. If they are believers, too, your "cord" will be that much stronger.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, by myself I'm unprotected and can be more easily overpowered. With a strong friend, I can face the worst. With two friends, we become a 3-stranded cord that's not easily broken. Today, help me to be surrounded by godly friends. Open doors for me to meet just the right people, at just the right time, who will lovingly support Your will for my life. Bring many of us together, to humbly serve You and each other. I pray in the Name of my Best Friend, Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, and cherish your friends.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #11 [Detour]

Nothing causes me more stress when driving than a detour. I don't like that kind of surprise. I want to know where I'm going and exactly how to get there. In life, however, sometimes a detour can be a most awesome experience.
You've experienced a detour, probably. It's when life is going as planned, and then something happens and things change. It's surprising, it's full of uncertainty, it's stressful. The question we often ask, when a detour happens, is "Why?" However, a better question to ask is "What's next?" Can you hear the whine in the first question? Can you hear the anticipation in the second question?
One day, you'll be able to look back over the detours in your life (if you haven't done so already) and be able to see how God was working out a better path in your life, perhaps even better than you could have ever dreamed.

Psalm 143:8 [NIV]
"Show me the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul."

What this has to do with weight loss: In the area of weight loss, one example of a detour is the dreaded stall. It's very tempting to whine, when experiencing a stall, but what good does that do. However, if you ask yourself, "What's next?" you will have the opportunity to brainstorm a game plan, and before you know it, the stall (which was probably a body adjustment, anyway) will be over and you'll be releasing weight once again.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, show me the way I should go, today, for to You I lift up my soul. I pray that I will continue to learn from my past experiences and decisions, letting You present me with a detour, if necessary. Thank You, in advance, for any detours I have yet to face, that will ultimately bring me closer to You. Guide me to those moments that will take my breath away with gratitude for Your direction in my life. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen."

Go forth today, and follow God's roadmap for your life.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #10 [Self-sabotage]

Webster's defines "sabotage" as "any undermining of a cause, plan, or effort." In "self-sabotage," the saboteur is one's self, whether done consciously or subconsciously. It's a fight against success, for success means no more excuses for not showing up, not engaging in LIFE. For the believer, self-sabotage guarantees that no one will expect you to finish God's plan for your life. If there are no expectations, there will be no chance for failure.
Which one(s) of the following methods of self-sabotage do you identify with?

Self-sabotage--> Cause Effect/Result
  • Don't exercise--> Health issues
  • Addicted to carbs--> Tired and irritable
  • Rash and impulsive--> Poor, irreversible decisions
  • Compare self to others--> Feel inadequate
  • Aim for perfection--> Leads to failure
  • Temper rages--> Guilt and shame
  • Harbor sense of entitlement--> Filled with pride
  • Stay up too late--> Act like a grouch the next day
  • Overeat at meals--> Depressed about weight gain

Now that you've identified the devious method(s) you tend to use, to sabotage your chance at success, what is the answer? No matter what the issue/problem/challenge, the answer is always Jesus. If you desire for there to be less of you (in whatever way), then there must be more of Jesus. Stop trying to be "right," for you can either be right or be healed.

Lamentations 3:40 [NIV] "Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD."

What this has to do with weight loss: Instead of realizing that despite our best intentions to change, despite our resolve to lose weight, we end up doing the thing we say we want to avoid--overeat, and being discouraged or depressed about it, let's focus on what we are actually doing and the result. Figure out why you are sabotaging your chance at weight-loss success, and take it to the Lord, for He is the only one who can help you find true, lasting success, even in the area of weight loss.

Prayer for Today: "Heavenly Father, help me to examine my ways today and test them. I return to You, Lord, and I ask for your protection, that I will not try to derail myself from accomplishing my best for You. I ask You, specifically, Father, to keep me from my most ingenious, devious method of self-sabotage, which is __________. Give me the wisdom to stop it, I pray. In the Name of Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, and allow success to show up in your life.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #9 [Words]

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." What a lie is that old saying! Words are very powerful and can tear down or build up, bring out the best in a person or bring out the worst. Lives have been changed forever, by one conversation. Emily Dickinson, English poet, wrote, "'A word is dead when it is said,' some say. I say it just begins to live that day."
We tend to forget how powerful are our words. After all, God used words to bring everything into being--"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light" (Genesis 1:3, NIV). Our words are powerful, and God reminds us of that in the verse, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21, KJV). May this year be the year that you "guard [your] mouth and [your] tongue," for that will "keep [yourself] from calamity" (Proverbs 21:23, NIV, with pronoun change noted in brackets).

Psalm 19:14 [NIV]
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."

What this has to do with weight loss: How many times have you said something like, "I'm never going to get this weight off" or "I can't stop eating; I have no willpower"? Now that you know how powerful words are, be careful what you say, for when you speak, your mind and heart will work to make it come to pass--no matter if it's positive or negative.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, You are my Rock and my Redeemer. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight. Today, I ask You to help me become acutely aware of how my comments and conversations (even those I have with myself) positively or negatively affect others (even myself), how they build or destroy. Guide my conversations so that, through my words, You will fill others with hope and courage. If I need to speak a hard truth, Lord, let me do so from a loving heart, filled to overflowing with Your grace. May I truly be the mouthpiece of Your Holy Spirit when I speak and His ears when I listen. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen."

Go forth today, and speak good words.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #8 [Need a Hero]

Do you have a hero or role model? Think about that person. Perhaps it's a parent or other family member, a teacher, pastor, counselor or coach. How has this person inspired you, been a beacon of hope for you? In what ways has he/she invested in your life? We all need someone we can look up to and learn from.
Yes, we all need a hero. Jesus can be, desires to be, your hero. Having a close relationship with Him will inspire you to be brave and bold, no matter what's going on in your life. When you focus on your relationship with Him, you will be changed in more awesome ways than you can count.

Hebrews 4:14 [NIV]
"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess."

What this has to do with weight loss: The support of a weight-loss role model is so valuable. Find the person who is willing to invest in your weight-loss journey, one who will inspire you not only to lose weight but to encourage you spiritually, as well. As you grow in all areas, seek to become someone else's hero. Remember, too, that Jesus is your ultimate hero, even in the area of weight loss, for He is the One who can change you from the inside out.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, since I have Jesus, Your Son, the great High Priest, who has gone through the heavens, may I hold firmly to the faith I profess. I desire to be wholly and passionately Yours, Jesus. Today, I ask You, Father, to help me always to be receptive to those You send to influence me, those who can guide me to a closer, bolder relationship with You. Reveal to me the person You would like for me to learn from during this season in my life. Send me heroes and role models who love You with all their heart. Thank You for those You have already used to shape and mold me. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, and KNOW Him so deeply that you can't tell where you end and He begins.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Three Hollywood icons have died: Ed McMahon, 86, June 23rd; Farrah Fawcett, 62, June 25th; Michael Jackson, 50, June 25th.
Whether famous or infamous, death comes to each of us. Are you ready? It is reported that Mr. McMahon attended a protestant church faithfully and that Ms. Fawcett was a Catholic. I do not know about Mr. Jackson, although I seem to recall that he became a Muslim.
None of that matters. It doesn't matter whether one attends church, is a follower of a certain denomination or religion, is a "good" person, or even a "bad" person. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me" (John 14:6).
Mr. McMahon lived a long life. His death was not a shock. Farrah Fawcett battled cancer for the past 2 years. Her death was not a shock. Mr. Jackson's death was a surprise, although he had not looked healthy for a number of years.
My first thought, at hearing that Mr. Jackson had died, was Mark 8:36, "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" I do not know if Mr. Jackson forfeited his soul, just as I cannot be certain of the eternal state of Mr. McMahon or Ms. Fawcett. Each person must examine his/her own heart.
When each of us stand before Almighty God, where we spend eternity will be based on one thing, and one thing only: what did each of us do with Jesus?
We are not promised tomorrow, so I ask you, dear reader, if you died in the next moment, are you 100% sure you would go to Heaven? Why, or why not? If you are not 100% sure, you can be, and I would be delighted to help you know how you can be sure. You may email me: marylaw@hotmail.com, and I will be happy to talk with you.

Life Plan Devotion #7 [Success]

There are two ways to define "success"--the world's way and God's way. The world's way is to define success in terms of fame, wealth, possessions, power, perfection, or popularity. God's way is to define success as bringing glory to Him in whatever we think, say, and do.
Which definition of success beckons you? While God's way is always best, the world's definition isn't necessarily wrong. It just shouldn't be enough. True success is coming to the place in your life when nothing and no one else will satisfy your longings and desires, and then finding that satisfaction in Jesus Christ.
A successful person is one who uses the gifts and abilities God has given him/her to make a difference. A successful person recognizes that in whatever situation/season/place he/she is in, God will have opportunities available to glorify Him and to impact others, and the successful person will take advantage of those opportunities.

Philippians 1:6 [NIV]
"Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

What this has to do with weight loss: Most weight-loss surgery people would define success as reaching and maintaining goal weight. That's true, but the truly successful weight-loss surgery person is the one who also gives all the glory for reaching and maintaining goal weight to God and then uses every opportunity to lead others to the One who can help them find true success.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I am confident of this, that You who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Your return. Today, I pray that I will gain more clarity about true success, which is living for You, as You carry out Your good work. My desire is to 'show up' wherever You call me, every day, and cooperate with You, pointing others to You. As I give You permission to make me successful in Your eyes, I know that good gifts will come to me that may be included in the world's definition of success. I pray that I will keep my eyes on You and use it all, including myself, for Your glory. In the Name of Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, and pursue true success.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #6 [You've got talent!]

What are you good at? Everyone has at least one talent or skill, probably more than one. Sometimes others can see in us what we don't recognize. If you're having trouble answering the question at the beginning of this devotion, just ask someone who knows you well, then listen carefully.
Surprisingly, our most useful talent or skill can be birthed as a result of our greatest hurt or trauma. What happens in our life that is very difficult can either bury us or carry us. There is great joy in using our life experiences, good and bad, to help others on their journey.
Whether your talents, abilities, and skills were God-given at your birth or learned over the years and experiences of your life, if you commit them to God, He will guide you in how to use them to help others and glorify Him. In so doing, you will find true satisfaction.

Exodus 31:1,3 [NIV]
"Then the LORD said,...'And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts.'"

What this has to do with weight loss: In your weight-loss journey, you have learned many things, about yourself, about what works for you and what doesn't, and more. Don't keep that knowledge inside. Look for opportunities to help someone else who is on their own weight-loss journey.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, You have filled me with the Spirit of God--with skill, ability, talent, and knowledge. Today, I pray that You will help me to use all that You have given me to my maximum potential. If there is some ability in me that I have not tapped into, please show me, so I can dedicate it to You, along with my other talents and skills. Stretch me, God, into the full measure of who You want me to be. Help me boldly claim my full capacity for Your use. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, and be used of God to help others.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #5 [Used]

As painful as it may be, recall one of the worst times in your life. Perhaps it was the death of a loved one, an unexpected divorce, abuse, an addiction, abortion, a job loss, an angry teen child, a hateful act of discrimination, an eating disorder. Remember the details of your painful circumstance.
Just as there is no shortage of problems and crises, there is no shortage of God's grace. Think about the good that God was able to bring out of your painful past. Perhaps you have never thought about that, the fact that God can use all your troubles in His plan for your life, but He will, if you will let Him.
God will not waste one moment of pain or sadness. Living in a fallen world, with people who have the ability to choose to act in hurtful ways, is what ushers in pain and sadness. Yet God is able to use our heartache to build our character, draw us closer to Him, and make us more effective in the area of ministry He has for each believer.
How did God use a painful moment in your life? Did you draw closer to Him? Did you find strength inside yourself that you didn't know you had? Did it turn you in a new direction? Were you protected from greater harm? Did it cause you to be empathetic with others, rather than just sympathetic? Are you able to share your life experience with others who are hurting, helping them to know what to do next? Have you been asked to share your faith with someone, because of a shared life experience? Did you learn to trust God and to let Him help you?

Romans 8:28 [NIV]
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Note: Italics used by writer.

What this has to do with weight loss: Every overweight person regrets the journey to obesity, whether that journey involved a prison of his/her own choosing or the fact that someone else held open the prison door and then locked him/her inside. For the believer, every prison door can be opened, the prisoner can walk free, and the prison experience can be used by God to make a difference in the life of someone else--to help free others.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I know that in all things You work for the good of those who love You, those who are called according to Your purpose, so that includes me. Today, I thank You for how You planned, in advance, to turn all my problems and crises into good--and that You have made that promise to all believers. It gives me enormous hope. Help me to remember always that You are my compassionate, caring Father. I give all my hurts and troubles to You, to put to good use. Use me to help others, because of what I have been through. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, and be used of God to make beauty from ashes.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #4 [Consequences]

Everyone makes mistakes, dumb moves, mess ups. Most consider the resulting consequence the hardest part, but I have come to know that the consequence is the best part. It is the consequence that gives one the opportunity to learn a valuable lesson--the first time, hopefully.
What consequences have you experienced: debt, bitterness, guilt, shame, regret, missed opportunities, need for forgiveness, loss of joy, need for repentance, need to pay retribution, having to face delays (in whatever form)? Whatever your consequence, once you've been there, done that, you never want to go back.
When you choose to live outside God's truth, you will experience painful consequences. These consequences are as natural as burning your finger when you touch a hot stove. They are not punishments sent from a vindictive God. For every cause there is an effect. It's the same in the spiritual world as in the natural world. The purpose of the effect is to drive one back to the cause, where there is a valuable lesson to be learned and personal/spiritual growth to be had.

Isaiah 59:2 [NIV]
"But your iniquities have separated you from your God..."

Joel 2:25 [NLT]
"The LORD says, 'I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts...'"

What this has to do with weight loss: It is a very painful moment, when one realizes that one's choices in the area of eating and lack of tending to one's body have culminated in excess weight, weakness, and, often, sickness and/or disease. To do anything other than care for one's body, our gift from God, is sin. Because it is sin, we are assured that "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9, KJV). After that, with God's help, we begin anew, doing all we can to live an abundant life, in the healthy body God created for us, knowing that God will do His part--doing for/in us that which we cannot do for ourselves.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I do not want my iniquities to separate me from You, so I want to tell You how sorry I am for my sins. Please forgive me today, and shower me with unmerited grace. Thank You that You, as my good and loving Father, discipline me, as would any good and loving parent. Help me to grow, more than I could ever imagine, through consequences that are allowed by You. Only You offer freedom, healing, hope, and a secure future--before, during, and after the necessary consequences. For those consequences that I have faced that were not caused by sin in my life, thank You for seeing me through. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Go forth today, and learn from every consequence.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #3 [Confusion]

Are you confused about anything? The word confusion is defined as "a state of disorder, upheaval, tumult, chaos; lack of clearness; perplexity, bewilderment." Confusion can cloud your judgment and cause you to fail to move forward in your life.
Confusion causes you to say, "I don't know what to do." What is your greatest area of confusion? Perhaps your area of confusion is in your finances, your career, your relationships, your spirituality, or how to balance life, in general. Any area where you feel overwhelmed, where you don't know where to begin, is an area of confusion.
While "God is not the author of confusion" (I Corinthians 14:33, KJV), He can work it out for good (Romans 8:28). God can use your state of confusion to nudge you to listen more closely for His voice of direction; to encourage you to pay attention to your past missteps, so you don't repeat them; or give you the opportunity to experience His "peace that surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:7, NKJV), as you muddle through the mire of confusion to a state of clarity.

James 1:5 [NIV]
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he[/she] should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him [/her]." Note: Information in brackets added by writer.

What this has to do with weight loss: The weight-loss journey can be full of confusion: the decision to have weight-loss surgery, how to afford it, whether or not to tell friends and family, and, last but not least, how to eat/exercise/live post-surgery. Add to those things the magnification of any pre-surgery relationship issues, and you've got confusion! The Lord desires that you come to Him for clarity and wisdom. Partner with Him, and, in time, out of your confusion will come wisdom, clarity, and purpose.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I admit that I lack wisdom in the area of __________. I ask You, 'who give generously to all, without finding fault,' to fill me with wisdom. Thank You for reminding me that I am not alone in any of life's quandaries and that Your light will clear up any confusion, as I turn to You for help. Help me to hear Your voice, Your wisdom, and Your truth. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, in wisdom and clarity.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #2 [Perseverance]

To persevere means "to persist in pursuing something in spite of obstacles or opposition." Think back on your life. When did you persevere, kept at something until you accomplished it? What caused you to keep going, with long-term stamina? Why was giving up not an option?
Perhaps your mission, your goal, was God-given, even if you didn't realize it at the time. There was an inner prompting to restore a relationship, heal from abuse, forgive an offender, begin a ministry, or find a new job. Perhaps there was an encouraging inner push to raise your demanding toddler with patience, pray for an unsaved spouse, be a godly witness during a crisis, or wait patiently for your dream to materialize.
Persevering, despite trials and obstacles, is God-given and God-honoring. Pray, and decide where you believe God wants you to be ten years from now, then take the first step in that direction. Yes, the first step is the hardest, but God will help you take the second step, if you take the first one. Continue to pray with faith...expectant faith, and keep going.

Romans 5:3-4
"...We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." [NIV]

What this has to do with weight loss: Perhaps you are newly out from weight-loss surgery, are in the soft-food stage of eating, and experiencing a stall. Even though you know that stall is common, it's still frustrating. Perhaps you are looking at the many pounds you need to lose, and it seems like such a daunting, discouraging task. Remind yourself that if you know the Lord, you are not alone. He will help you to keep going, one day, one pound, at a time. Don't give up five minutes before your miracle.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, help me to learn to rejoice in my journey and to rejoice in every obstacle, trial and suffering, because I know that 'suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.' Today, I pray that I will become a woman/man of extreme perseverance, not letting delays and difficulties discourage me. I ask, especially, for persistence that will build my character and give me hope, when I'm in Life's waiting room. Help me to see that it's actually easier for me to persevere than to live with the regret of having given up hope and let go of a dream. Thank You for Your gift of perseverance. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, and persevere!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #1 [Be Fearless]

Through research, I've found 533 documented phobias. A phobia is defined as "a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it." If you think about it, almost any noun (person, place, thing, or idea) can be connected to a phobia.
The majority of us do not have to deal with a phobia. However, most of us deal with fear, in some form. How would you respond if I asked you, "What are you afraid of?" That fear can be a positive impetus, causing you to seek God's strength and power, or it can be a negative impetus, keeping you from trying new things, including that which would help you fulfill God's plan for your life.
God tells us not to be afraid ("Fear not," "Do not be afraid," "Have courage," etc.) 365 times, in the Bible. That's one God-Encouraging word for every day of the year! God knows that fear is the strongest weapon of the Enemy (Satan). Determine to uncover and root out every fear in your life. God will help you be able to do that.

Joshua 1:9 [NLT]
"'This is My command--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.'"

What this has to do with weight loss: Perhaps you have done hard work to remove fear, only to discover that you have one more--the fear that, even with weight-loss surgery, you won't be able to lose your excess weight, or you fear that the pounds will return. You may have so much weight to lose that it seems impossible, but "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I know You want me to 'be strong and courageous.' You have told me to 'not be afraid or discouraged' and that You are 'with [me] wherever [I] go.' Today, I pray that I will learn to trust You more and more. Help me to track my progress toward freedom from fear, so that I can always remember how far You've brought me. I thank You, in advance, for delivering me from all my fears. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, and be fearless!