Sunday, September 6, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #80 [God's Armor--Shield of Faith, Part VIII]

Last time, we looked at the first of 4 practical ways to guarantee that you can extinguish every flaming weapon of Satan, by thinking thoughts of faith. Today, let's look at the second way to "hold up the shield of faith, to stop the fiery arrows of the devil" (Ephesians 6:16).
To extinguish every dart, you must speak faith. Words are powerful, so powerful that the Word says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit" (Proverbs 18:21, NKJV). With faith words, Jesus said we could move a mountain (Matthew 17:20).
If you want to be able to stop the enemy's fiery darts of doubt, discouragement, and depression, you must use the Word of God to do so. Jesus Himself used God's Word to counter every temptation of the devil (Matthew 4:1-11), and you'd be wise to do the same. In the heat of battle, you won't have time to grab your Bible and Concordance, so you must prepare by hiding God's Word in your heart (Psalm 119:11). If you do that, you will have the mightiest weapon of warfare on the tip of your tongue, and you will pull down every stronghold (II Corinthians 10:4).

Revelation 12:11 [Amplified]
"They overcame him [the accuser of the brethren, Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..."

What this has to do with weight loss: You will be on the receiving end of Satan's whispers of doubt, discouragement, and depression, even in the area of weight issues, and he will seek to hear you repeat them. If you desire to defeat his words, speak God's words of faith, hope, and love, even about your body and its ability to release weight. Which words will you speak today?

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, Your Words are 'light to all who find them, and health to all their flesh' (Proverbs 4:22). I need that light and health today, Lord. I know that Your Word is 'alive and powerful' (Hebrews 4:12), and with it, I will defeat every dart of the devil. May Your faith-filled Word be in my mouth and on my tongue throughout this day. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen."

Go forth today, speaking words of faith, to defeat words of doubt, discouragement, and depression.

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