Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #109 [Getting your prayers answered, Part II]

Matthew 7:7 "Don't bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need" (Message).

Last time, we looked at the first of 7 basic conditions to answered prayer, to pray in the Name of Jesus. Today, we will begin to look at the second condition: 2) Pray with praise and thanksgiving.
In my ladies' Bible Study group, we've been studying the Old Testament wilderness Tabernacle, the place where God's presence dwelt during the wilderness wanderings of the children of Israel. Every part of the Tabernacle, from the eastern gate to the Holy of Holies, is a shadow of Jesus and redemption.
We learned that God directed where the 12 tribes of Israel would be encamped, around the Tabernacle. The tribe of Judah camped just outside the eastern gate (the only entrance) to the Tabernacle. The name Judah means "praise."
It is interesting to look at some of the Hebrew and Greek words for "praise" (used in the Bible) and the definitions.
yâdâh (yaw-daw’) Hebrew: to hold out the hand; to revere or worship with extended hands; give thanks.
hilûwl (hil-lool’) Hebrew: a sense of rejoicing; a celebration of thanksgiving for harvest.
tehillâh (teh-hil-law’) Hebrew: laudation; a hymn.
tôwdâh (to-daw’) Hebrew: adoration; a choir of worshipers; confession; sacrifice of praise, thanksgiving.
bârak (baw-rak’) Hebrew: to kneel; to bless God as an act of adoration.
hâlal (haw-lal’) Hebrew: to be clear; to shine; to celebrate.
zâmar (zaw-mar’) Hebrew: to touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument; to make music, accompanied by the voice; to celebrate in song and music; sing forth praises, psalms.
shebach (sheb-akh’) Hebrew: to adore.
aininĕsis (ah’-ee-nes-is) Greek: the act of praising; a thank offering.
ainĕō (ahee-neh’-o) Greek: to praise God.
dŏxa (dox-ah) Greek: glory, dignity, glorious, honour, praise, worship.
ĕpainĕō (ep-ahee-neh’-o) Greek: to applaud, commend, laud, praise.
humnĕō (hoom-neh’-o) Greek: to celebrate God in song.
As you can see, there are many ways to praise God. Let's look at what the Word has to say about praise:
Hebrews 13:15 [Amplified] "Through Him, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name." Everything we say should be glorifying to God. It's something we should do all the time. That's a challenge!
Psalm 22:3 [KJV] "Thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel." Where does God live/dwell/inhabit? In the praises of His people, so if you want to be sure that God meets you when you pray, just begin by praising Him.

What this has to do with weight loss: When the weight-loss journey gets intense, take some time to praise and thank God for how He has blessed your journey so far, and look to Him for more blessings to come.

When I pray, I will offer to God my sacrifice of praise, not only for what God is doing in my life but for who He is. Because God inhabits praise, I know that God is truly present when I praise and worship Him in prayer.

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