Friday, November 13, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #129 [Ways to prosper]

III John 2 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers" (Amplified).

This God-breathed verse is one of my favorite verses, because everything that God wants for me is written in that verse. The apostle John is writing to Gaius, no doubt a fellow servant in the work of the Lord, but, as we know, every word in God's Word applies to each of us today.
The Greek word for "prosper" in III John verse 2 means: "help on the road; to succeed in reaching; to succeed in business affairs." The Greek word for "health" in III John verse 2 means: "to have sound health; to be well in body; to be uncorrupt (true in doctrine); to be safe and sound; to be whole." The Greek word for "prospers" is the same as "prosper," so the meaning is the same for this phrase that speaks of soul prosperity.
In this one verse, we have God's intent for us, that there be provision for our journey. God wants each of us to live a life in which we are happy, healthy, and whole. The provision is there, in God's Word. All we have to do is realize it, believe it, and walk in it.
God intends for each of us to prosper or succeed 1) financially. He wants us to "prosper in every way." That means that whatever business we have a hand in should prosper. That means that our bills should get paid. That means we should have plenty left over, to care for others and carry on the work of the kingdom right here on earth. Of course, giving God the tithe from the top and first is important and sets God's principle of financial prosperity into action.
While it is true that "money can't buy happiness," there is nothing "happy" about being poor! God does not have a poverty mentality. If He did, He never would have created gold, silver, precious gems. In Genesis 13:2, we are told that Abraham, the father of our faith, "was rich in cattle, in silver and in gold." Financial prosperity is part of the covenant. God wants us to be happy, and He knows that one cannot be truly happy if one's needs or one's family's needs are not being met.
God intends for us to prosper or succeed 2) physically. He wants each of us to be healthy in our body. If we are ill in any measure, whether it's that we are too tired or we are too sick, we cannot do the work God intends for us to do. God desires that we be effective workers for Him, so He is more than willing to heal us. Just as in financial prosperity, God has put principles of health and healing in His Word. If God's people could grasp the revelation of God's Word on health and healing, the world would be turned upside down by people on fire for God, who have the stamina to work tirelessly for the Kingdom.
God intends for us to prosper or succeed 3) spiritually. He wants each of us to be whole, to be "true in doctrine," to be eternally secure. Can a person be prosperous financially and physically, yet not be a Christian? Of course, but Mark 8:36 says it all, "What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" God desires that we be secure in every way, and that security begins at the foot of the Cross. God has put principles of spiritual success and prosperity in His Word. Following those principles is key to living a victorious Christian life.
God's intent is for each of His children to have "help on the road." We are not left on our own, to slave and beg for our daily bread, to search for a cure for what ails us, or to find someone or something to believe in. God can be Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider, if we will let Him, if we will follow the principles in His Word. God can be Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer, if we will let Him, if we will follow the principles in His Word. God can be Jehovah-Rohi, our Shepherd and Jehovah-Shalom, our Peace, if we will let Him, if we will follow the principles in His Word.

What this has to do with weight loss: God's intent for us is that there be provision for our journey, even our weight-loss journey. That doesn't mean it will be an easy one. However, if we will remember God's intention and make sure our intention is to do our part, to cooperate with His guidance, our weight-loss journey will be successful/prosperous.

I am God's "Beloved," and He delights in my prosperity. God delights in my happiness, healthfulness, and wholeness. I partner with God by following His principles, and I marvel at how He provides for my journey!

1 comment:

  1. You are truly blessed by the Holy Spirit. I was seeking for ways on how I can proper with God's guidance and googled "key to prosper" and the first entry that showed up is your blog. Mary Lou, thank you. Your objective of weight loss is achieving more for you and at this point, it is even keeping someone like me to realize, hope and believe that prosperity is achievable to this very moment. God bless you and your family. Sincerely, Dennis.


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