Sunday, July 5, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #17 [Strengths & Weaknesses]

In thinking about the topic of today's devotion, I realized two things. 1) With attention, a weakness can become a strength. 2) With inattention, a strength can become a weakness. The second thing can happen, even before you realize it.
Good looks can lead to pride. Excessive privilege can invite hardheartedness. Leadership can turn into control or manipulation. Generosity can lead to overspending on others, in an attempt to buy love or friendship. Friendliness can turn into inappropriate flirtation. Obsessive planning can destroy spontaneity or cause one to be inflexible. Caring and compassion can become a failure to set healthy boundaries, and the result can be that one feels used and unsure of how to lovingly correct the situation.
There is the danger that we will become self-sufficient or abuse our strengths, using them in ways God does not intend. Our strengths become our comfort zones, and we can refuse to allow God to stretch us beyond those areas that make us feel secure. Sometimes He forces us out of our comfort zones, away from our strengths, so we can learn, in new ways, to depend on Him.

Isaiah 31:1 (NIV, with author's addition in brackets)
"Woe to those who go down to Egypt [place of bondage] for help, who rely on horses, who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or seek help from the LORD."

What this has to do with weight loss: Think of the weaknesses that led to your weight issue. Think of the attention you're giving to them and how you can see that they are becoming strengths. For example, perhaps you were an emotional eater, and, with attention to that, you are finding that you can deal with your emotions in a healthy manner, that does not involve eating. Conversely, think of a strength that, with inattention, could become a weakness. For example, perhaps you are at goal and maintaining, but, with inattention, you may find that you assume those pounds are "gone for good," only to find that the number on the scale begins to creep upward. With being mindful of your strengths and weaknesses, and with God's help, you can attend to them in ways that will benefit your weight-loss journey and give glory to God.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I don't want to go to any place of bondage, for help. I don't want to rely on anyone else but You. I don't want to trust in numbers or the great strength of anything else. I want to look to You, Holy One of Israel, only You. Today, help me to give attention to my every weakness so that they can become strengths, and help me to avoid inattention to my strengths, which could cause them to become weaknesses. Help me to be intensely aware of my responsibility to use my strengths wisely and to devote them wholly to Your glory. I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen."

Go forth today, and attend to your strengths and weaknesses.

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