Regrets...I've had a few [do you hear Frank Sinatra?]. If you feel sorrow or remorse for an act, fault, disappointment, wrong committed or errors made in the past, feel a sense of loss, disappointment, or dissatisfaction in connection with the memory, you're experiencing regret. Regret can be for something that was done or not done.
What are your regrets? Do you regret not saying "I love you" one more time? Did you miss an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus? Do you look back at your years of parenting, and one situation, where you could have done better, looms over all the times you did it right? Perhaps you had a moral failure or abandoned a dream you now see you could have achieved. Maybe you made a poor business decision or blamed someone else for a mistake you made. Could it be that your biggest regret is nor forgiving yourself or living with anger for far too long?
Unless you're at the end of your life and beginning eternity without knowing Jesus as your Savior, regrets are a waste of time. You can't go back and change the past. God wants you to know that He's aware of all your regrets, and He wants you to admit them, learn from them, make restitution (if needed), and move on. Instead of your deepest regrets becoming a heavy chain around your ankle, that ties you to the past, allow them to become the best part of your testimony of God's grace. Confess your regrets, repent of them, receive forgiveness for them, and then let them go. If you choose to continue to dig up those regrets, that Jesus has removed from you and given a proper burial, you'll become enmeshed in them all over again, and you will miss out on the blessings God has planned for you. That, my friend, would be the biggest regret of all.
Proverbs 5:11-14 [Message]
"You don't want to end your life full of regrets, nothing but sin and bones, saying, 'Oh, why didn't I do what they told me? Why did I reject a disciplined life? Why didn't I listen to my mentors, or take my teachers seriously? My life is ruined! I haven't one blessed thing to show for my life!'"
What this has to do with weight loss: We who are on the weight-loss journey experience regret. We regret that we gained weight in the first place, and we regret that we didn't have weight-loss surgery sooner (just to name a few). Since you can't go back and change the past, be determined to quit wasting time thinking about or voicing regrets of the past, even in the area of weight issues. Let them go, so you can live today fully alive and without regret.
Prayer for Today: "Heavenly Father, I don't want to live my life regretting the past, and I certainly don't want to end my life full of regrets. Today, Lord, I choose to confess each regret to You, and then I'm going to ask for Your forgiveness for each one. I promise to allow You to provide forgiveness, forgiveness which I will accept, and then I'm going to allow You to remove each regret and bury it. I pray that I will never go digging it up, in the future. I repent of the time I've wasted thinking of and talking about past regrets. I can't change the past. I know that, Lord, so I'm asking You to help me learn from the past, live for today, and make better choices in the future. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen."
Go forth today, with no regrets.
S.T.A.R.T. (Strategies To Achieve Recovery & Transformation) Program, 2-CD set for the bariatric patient, can help you make the changes necessary on the inside, in order to see changes on the outside. Listen to a sound bite from each track at
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