Thursday, July 9, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #21 [Missing]

What would make your life complete? What's missing? Is it a job, money, health, a loved one, peace, joy, purpose? When you look at your life's puzzle, is there a major piece missing? Has that piece ever been there, or is it in pieces on the floor?
Throughout the Bible, we're told that God can make us "whole." Whether in the Hebrew or Greek, the word "whole" means "nothing missing, nothing broken." Whatever is wrong in your life, whatever is missing or broken, the answer is the Lord. I'm reminded of an old song, "Broken Pieces," which says, in part, "Have you failed, in life's battles, to accomplish your plan? Is your heart heavy laden? Do you fear the Lord's command? Do you feel that no one loves you and there's no use to try? Just bring your cares to Jesus, your soul He'll satisfy." The chorus says, "Pick up the broken pieces and bring them to the Lord. Pick up the broken pieces, trust in His Holy Word. He will put you back together and make your life complete. Just place the broken pieces at the Savior's feet."
Whether what you're missing can be replaced in this life or cannot be restored to you until you reach Heaven's shores, God can make you whole, right here, right now. Bring all of you to Jesus, and, in faith, lay it all (the pain, questions, hurts, disappointments, lack, wants, desires) at His feet. Just make sure you don't take it back up again. Instead, believe and trust God to restore you.

Matthew 9:22 [21st Century KJV]
"But Jesus turned about, and when He saw her, He said, 'Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole.' And the woman was made whole from that hour."

What this has to do with weight loss: For those of us with weight issues, much has been missing from our life: health, the ability to see food as only fuel, the energy and stamina to be an active part in the life of our family, and more. In its place is much pain, guilt, and regret. However, if we can see each day as a new chance to allow God to help us walk in faith toward wholeness, we will begin to experience the positive changes in our body, mind, and spirit.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I come to You, today, acknowledging that there are pieces to my life that are missing or broken. On my own, I'm helpless to do anything about that, but You, oh Lord, who created me whole in the first place, can put me back together. I'm bringing all the pieces of my life to You, Father, and I'm laying them at Your feet. Replace every piece, and wherever a piece cannot be replaced, for whatever reason, just replace it with Your presence, until I am whole, with nothing missing, nothing broken. I pray in faith and in the Name of Jesus, who shed His blood to heal me. Amen."

Go forth today, in health, healing, and wholeness.

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