Monday, August 10, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #53 [Spring Cleaning, Worry, Day 1]

Doesn't it feel good, to know that you're getting rid of strife, negative talk, and gossip from your home? Today, let's focus on cleaning out worry from your heart and home.
I used to worry about so many things. One day, I was talking to my mother on the telephone, recounting my latest worry. Mom listened well, as she always did, and when I finished, she said, "Honey, do you know the saying, 'Why worry when you can pray'?" I said, "Yes," and she continued with, "Well, your saying is 'Why pray when you can worry.'" As a believer, that stung, but her point was well made. I was not making use of the power of prayer, to gain victory over the sin of worrying. And worry is a sin, because it shows a lack of trust in our Heavenly Father as Friend, Protector, Provider, and more.
From experience, and with much love for you--the reader, I tell you that if you do not take control of worry and the underlying foundational emotion of fear, they will control you, for the rest of your life. That is not the abundant life God promises (John 10:10), so why settle for it. Be determined today, to seek and clean out every spot of fear and worry from your heart and home. Use the power of God's Word and prayer, to do so.

Philippians 4:6 [Amplified]
"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God."

What this has to do with weight loss: It is very tempting to give in to fear and worry, when it comes to our weight-loss journey. "What ifs" creep up at every turn. What if I can't afford weight-loss surgery? What if I die in the operating room? What if I'm the only one who doesn't lose weight after surgery? What if I "eat around" my surgery? What if I transfer my addiction to food to something else? What if I lose weight and have an affair? The list is endless, but the believer does not have to give in to those fears and worries. Take each one to the Lord in prayer, and ask Him to help you to change each "what if" into a "but God..."

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, I know that there are times when You look at me and say, like You said to Martha, 'You are worried about many things,' when You want me to be like Mary, sitting at Your feet, choosing 'the better thing.' I don't want to be ruled by fear and worry, for I know it's a sin. I desire to trust You, to depend on You and Your Word, to come to You in prayer and petition, and ask You to take care of each fear, each worry. Help me to see when I'm being tempted to give in to fear or worry, and give me the strength to allow You to show me the way through, to victory. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen."

Go forth today, determined to get rid of fear and worry from your heart and home.

Psalms for Surgery CD is a great product to use when you are coming against fear and worry. Let the Psalms comfort you. This CD is available at Listen to a sound bite from each track there, also.

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