Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Life Plan Devotion #55 [Spring Cleaning, Unforgiveness]

I know you've been working hard, cleaning out strife, negative talk, gossip, fear and worry from your heart and home. While everything looks pretty clean, if you look closely, you may see some mold growing in rather inconspicuous places. That, my friend, is unforgiveness, and it doesn't matter how clean you get your heart and home, if unforgiveness is allowed there, nothing else will sparkle as it was meant to, least of all you.
No doubt, each of us has been on the receiving end of various wrongs, some of them quite horrific. I am here to testify to you, that if you do not forgive the unforgivable, you will suffer physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It is not worth it. Someone once said, "Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and wishing someone else would die." It just won't happen. The only one to die just might be you.
Forgiveness is a choice, a decision only you can make. Research shows that 80% of sickness and disease has its basis in stress. Is hanging on to your hurt or wounded pride worth that?
Forgiveness is required, if you want God's forgiveness. None of us deserve forgiveness, yet Jesus died on the cross to pay for that forgiveness. How can we not forgive others, when we have been shown such amazing, unearned forgiveness. Forgive, if you're asked to do so. Forgive, even if you're not asked to do so. Bring back the sparkle of forgiveness to your heart and home today.

Matthew 6:15 [NIV]
"If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

What this has to do with weight loss: I know, in my own life, unforgiveness was one of the root causes of my morbid obesity. I could not forgive the unforgivable, and in order to try to stuff down all the emotions that brought up in me, I ate and ate. That crazy behavior nearly buried me. When I made the conscious decision to forgive those who had harmed me in the past, the weight of unforgiveness was lifted and, with it, the weight of many pounds that emotional eating had added to my body. If you are an emotional eater, take time to review your past, to see if there are people you have yet to forgive. If there are, give yourself a most wonderful gift...forgive each person, right here, right now, in the quiet of your heart. It will feel amazing.

Prayer for Today:
"Heavenly Father, You and I both know that people have hurt me, in my past, even in my present. I haven't wanted to forgive, and even if I've wanted to forgive, I didn't think I could...until now, Lord. I must forgive, Father, because I want and need Your forgiveness. Help me to forgive as You forgive, without the person deserving it. Now that I realize that forgiveness is a choice, at this very moment, and with Your help, I make the decision to forgive the following people and offenses: ___________. Thank You, Father, for flooding my heart and home with forgiveness. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen."

Go forth today, walking in forgiveness.

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